Secondary Literature

Creedy - English Marginalism

New Palgrave's Lemma on Marshall

Backhouse on Cambridge School of Economics

Marshall on Demand

Distribution and Growth in Marshall

New Palgrave's Lemma on Pigou

Book Review: Keynes, Pigou and Cambridge Keynesians

Marshall and Pigou on Labor Market and Redistribution

History of Consumer Surplus

Friedman (1949) on the Marshallian Demand Curve

Evolution of Marhsall's Principles

Medema on the Evolution of Market Failure

Keynes (1924) on Marshall

Stanford's Encyclopedia Lemma on Sidgwick

Marshall and Edgeworth

Pigou and Knight

Natura non facit saltum in Alfred Marshall (and Charles Darwin)

New Palgrave's Lemma on Sidgwick

Consumer Surplus in Marshall

Shove (1942) on Marshall

Knight (1924) on Social Cost

Marshall on Pigou

Medema on Pigou

Negishi's Existence Proof with Welfare Weights

On Pigou's Theory of Unemployment

Pigou's Wealth and Welfare

Interview with Samuelson on Welfare Economics

Pigou and Sidgwick

Young's review of Wealth and Welfare